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2022-09-20 10:35:36 +01:00
import json
import colours as c
def load_json(file_name):
# Open a json file called file_name
with open(file_name) as file:
# Load the json file into a dictionary
return json.load(file)
def convert(value):
if 1000 <= value < 1000000:
# Kilo
value = str(value / 1000) + " K"
elif 1000000 <= value < 1000000000:
# Mega
value = str(value / 1000000) + " M"
elif value >= 1000000000:
# Giga
value = str(value / 1000000000) + " G"
return value
def input_colours(bands):
colours = []
while len(colours) < 5:
# Calculate a suffix for the number i.e. 2nd or 3rd
suffixes = ["", "st", "nd", "rd", "th", "th"]
suffix = suffixes[len(colours) + 1]
# Ask the user to input the colour of the resistor band
colour = input(f"{c.cyan}What is the colour of the "
f"{}{len(colours) + 1}{suffix}{c.end} "
f"{c.cyan}band? {c.end}").lower()
if colour in bands:
# Only add the colour if it is valid
# Otherwise, print an error message
print(f"{}Error: This colour does not exist.{c.end}")
return colours
def calc_resistor(colours, bands):
# Set default values
bands_value = ""
multiplier = 1
tolerance = 0
for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
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# Get the band value from
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if i < 3:
bands_value += str(bands[colour]["band"])
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# Get the multiplier
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elif i == 3:
multiplier = bands[colour]["multiplier"]
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# Get the tolerance
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elif i == 4:
tolerance = bands[colour]["tolerance"]
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# Calculate the resistor value
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resistor_value = int(bands_value) * multiplier
return resistor_value, tolerance
def main(file_name):
# Print the welcome message
print(f"{c.magenta}Resistor Calculator v0.1.0{c.end}")
# Load the band information from the json file
bands = load_json(file_name)
# Get the colours of the resistor's bands from the user
colours = input_colours(bands)
# Calculate the value and tolerance of the resistor
resistor_value, tolerance = calc_resistor(colours, bands)
# Convert the value to a readable format
converted_value = convert(resistor_value)
# Collect and create the final value
final_value = f"{converted_value}Ω +/-{tolerance}%"
# Print the original colours entered and final value
print(f"\n{}You have entered: {c.cyan}{', '.join(colours)}{c.end}"
f"\n{}Your resistor is: {c.cyan}{final_value}{c.end}")
if __name__ == "__main__":