{ keymaps = [ # Custom/special keymaps { mode = "n"; key = "c"; action = "sp term resize 20N i"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Open terminal in split and resize"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "h"; action = "nohl"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Clear search highlight"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "z"; action = "ZenModeset wrapset linebreak"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Enable ZenMode with wrap and linebreak"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "Z"; action = "ZenModeset nowrapset nolinebreak"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Enable ZenMode without wrap and linebreak"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "Telescope colorscheme"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Open Telescope colorscheme picker"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "wqa"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Save all and quit"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "w"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Save file"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "U"; action = "redo"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Redo last undone change"; }; } # Window management { mode = "n"; key = "vs"; action = "vs"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Vertical split"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "hs"; action = "sp"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Horizontal split"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "tn"; action = "tabnew"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Open new tab"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "th"; action = "tabprev"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to previous tab"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "tj"; action = "tabprev"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to previous tab"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "tk"; action = "tabnext"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to next tab"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "tl"; action = "tabnext"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to next tab"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "to"; action = "tabo"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Close all other tabs"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "tc"; action = "tabc"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Close current tab"; }; } # Window navigation { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "w"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Cycle through windows"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "h"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Move to the left window"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "j"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Move to the bottom window"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "k"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Move to the top window"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "l"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Move to the right window"; }; } # Buffer navigation { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "bnext"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to next buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "bprevious"; options = { silent = true; desc = "Go to previous buffer"; }; } # Stay in visual mode when indenting { mode = "v"; key = "<"; action = "