--- title: "Planners" date: 2022-10-25T22:32:42+01:00 --- I literally cannot find a good planner and it's driving me crazy. ## A good planner would: * Follow GTD - capture with an inbox, tags, etc. * Be native - I don't want a slow unresponsive electron app * Be open-source - I dont want people spying on what I'm actually doing * Have an easy to use phone app - so I can check, update or add tasks from anywhere quickly * Sync with git - reliable, easy, sustainable sync that doesnt require use of a cloud service * Not be bloated - we don't need timers (super productivity) or calculators (taskwarrior) in our task managers * Have do and due dates - one of the best features from things (app on iOS and macOS), saying when you'll do something but also keeping the date it's due for (i.e. assignments, projects) ## Is there anything? There literally nothing that ticks all of these boxes. It's shocking. Regardless, I would say that dstask is probably the best at the moment, but it's still a bit clunky, lacking an actual phone app and do dates, which is pretty critical to my work. ## So, in conclusion I'm probably going to have to make one of these things myself.