import curses from core import utils class StatusBar: def __init__(self, instance): self.mode = instance.mode.upper() self.file = or "[No Name]" self.icon = instance.config["icon"] or "λ" self.theme = "default" self.colors = [7, 5, 13] self.components = [self.icon, self.mode, self.file] def update(self, instance): self.mode = instance.mode.upper() self.components = [self.icon, self.mode, self.file] def render(self, instance): # Clear the status bar utils.clear(instance, instance.height - 2, 0) # Update variables self.update(instance) if self.theme == "inverted": # Initialise the x position for each component x = 1 # Render each component for count, component in enumerate(self.components): instance.screen.addstr(instance.height - 2, x, component, curses.color_pair(self.colors[count]) | curses.A_BOLD) x += len(component) + 1 else: # Initialise temporary colors for inverted theme colors = [] # Add 1 to each color temporarily for color in self.colors: colors.append(color + 1) # Initialise the x position for each component x = 0 # Render each component for count, component in enumerate(self.components): component = f" {component} " instance.screen.addstr(instance.height - 2, x, component, curses.color_pair(colors[count]) | curses.A_BOLD) x += len(component) # Add a space at the end of the status bar instance.screen.addstr(instance.height - 2, x, " " * (instance.width - x), curses.color_pair(2)) class Components: def __init__(self, instance, components: dict = None): self.components = components or { "left": [" "], "bottom": [StatusBar(instance)], } curses.endwin() @staticmethod def get_component_width(component: list) -> int: return len(max(component)) def render(self, instance): for component in self.components["bottom"]: component.render(instance)