# λ lambda
Next generation hackable text editor for nerds.
### Let it be known!
Lambda is in *very* early stages at the moment. Features may change completely, or even be removed.
Don't expect lambda to stay the way it is. Updates are pushed often.
### Overview
Lambda is a similar text editor to `vim` or `kakoune`.
However, it takes a different approach to most of the features seen in other editors.
- Lambda is written in Python, so it is easy to hack and learn.
- It also has a good amount of comments!
- Lambda is incredibly modular, so you can easily add new features.
- Lambda follows the unix philosophy of "do one thing and do it well."
- It has no bloated features, like splits or tabs
- It contains the bare necessities and provides a few extra modules
- Lambda isn't limited to modes or keybindings.
- Keybindings and modes can be easily changed
- Other modes can be used by holding down keybindings (i.e. `ctrl-x` inside of `insert` mode)
- Lambda is extremely fast and makes use of efficient memory management.
- Neovim is slow, and actually requires [a plugin to speed it up](https://github.com/lewis6991/impatient.nvim).
- Lambda has much better default keybindings than other text editors.