# ❤️ a-better-shell-mommy Simple [shell-mommy](https://github.com/sudofox/shell-mommy) script that works on zsh as well as bash.
## Usage Instead of running `mommy command`, this script just generates responses. - Positive responses: `./shell-mommy.sh -p` - Negative responses: `./shell-mommy.sh -n` ## Env vars - `$MOMMYS_LITTLE` - what *you* will be called [default: `"girl"`] - `$MOMMYS_ROLE` - what the *mommy* will be called [default: `"mommy"`] - `$MOMMYS_PRONOUN` - what pronouns the *mommy* will use for itself [default: `"her"`] - `$MOMMY_COLOR` - ansi escape code used at the start of the response for color [default: `'\e[38;5;217m'`] ## Example **With env vars:** ```sh "$MOMMYS_ROLE knows $MOMMYS_PRONOUN little $MOMMYS_LITTLE can do better~ ❤️" ``` **Defaults to:** ```sh "mommy knows her little girl can do better~ ❤️" ``` ## Add to .zshrc **On successful commands:** ```sh precmd() { [ $? -ne 1 ] && /path/to/shell-mommy -p } ``` **On failed commands:** ```sh precmd() { [ $? -eq 0 ] && /path/to/shell-mommy -n } ```