from random import choice, randint from time import sleep from os import system, name as os_name class Color: red = "\033[91m" green = "\033[92m" yellow = "\033[93m" blue = "\033[94m" purple = "\033[95m" cyan = "\033[96m" norm = "\033[0m" class Knight: FIRST = ["Lancelot", "Charles", "Henry", "William"] NICK = ["Brave", "Horrific", "Courageous", "Terrific"] def __init__(self): self.actions = ["ATTACK", "ATTACK", "ATTACK", "DEFEND", "REST"] = f"{choice(Knight.FIRST)} The {choice(Knight.NICK)}" self.state = None = 100 def action(self, player): self.state = choice(self.actions) def update_health(self, player): if player == Game.PLAYERS[0]: if player.state in ["ATTACK", "REST"] and Game.PLAYERS[1].state == "ATTACK": -= 5 else: if player.state in ["ATTACK", "REST"] and Game.PLAYERS[0].state == "ATTACK": -= 5 class Game: # Do not like this being outside of init, figure out a way to have it inside PLAYERS = [] def __init__(self): for i in range(2): self.PLAYERS.append(Knight()) def gameloop(self): while self.PLAYERS[0].health > 0 and self.PLAYERS[1].health > 0: system("cls" if os_name == "nt" else "clear") print(f"{Color.cyan}-----------------------------------------------{Color.norm}") for player in self.PLAYERS: print(f"{}{}{Color.norm}: {}") print(f"{Color.cyan}-----------------------------------------------{Color.norm}") sleep(1) for player in self.PLAYERS: player.action(player) match player.state: case "ATTACK": print(f"{}{} {}attacks{Color.norm} the enemy!") case "DEFEND": print(f"{}{} {}defends{Color.norm} from any attacks.") case "REST": print(f"{}{}{Color.norm} is tired and will {}rest{Color.norm} for this round") sleep(1) for player in self.PLAYERS: player.update_health(player) sleep(1) system("cls" if os_name == "nt" else "clear") self.game_end() def game_end(self): print(f"{Color.cyan}-----------------------------------------------{Color.norm}") for player in self.PLAYERS: print(f"{}{}{Color.norm}: {}") print(f"{Color.cyan}-----------------------------------------------{Color.norm}") if self.PLAYERS[0].health == self.PLAYERS[1].health: print(f"Both brave knights sadly die from their battle wounds!") elif self.PLAYERS[0].health == 0: print(f"{self.PLAYERS[1].name} won this mighty battle!") else: print(f"{self.PLAYERS[0].name} has conquered his enemy!") if __name__ == "__main__": Game().gameloop()